Abbey Taylor Jones Limited

Insolvency can be defined in two ways; your company is insolvent if its liabilities exceed its assets, or if it is unable to pay its debts as and when they are due.

Numerous companies trading in the UK at present may find themselves in an insolvent position but many may still be viable businesses that are suffering from short term cash flow problems. However it’s time to take action if you feel that your Company cannot continue trading without worsening the position of its Creditors.

If you’re looking to place an insolvent Company into Liquidation, this process is called Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation – known as a CVL. This solution is appropriate when there is no other option than the Company ceasing to trade and being wound-up. In a CVL, assets are realised and sold with a view to paying a dividend to Creditors where possible.

This route is only appropriate if your company is insolvent. For example if:

Its liabilities exceed its assets and/or
It cannot pay its debts when they fall due and
There is no prospect of the company continuing to trade

At Abey Taylor Jones, we are qualified to undertake the role of Liquidator using our extensive experience and expertise to secure the best outcome.

Consider your Options

Speak with an experienced Insolvency Consultant.

The consultant will discuss with you the Company’s financial position including the assets, Creditors and liabilities of the Company to enable a rounded view to be taken, and to ensure the best advice is given.

Instruct Abbey Taylor Jones

If the conclusion of the best way forward for the company is CVL, you will formally engage our services.

At this point we will need to collate all the information required to enable the process to begin.

Information to Creditors

As part of the process, directors should prepare a report and statement of affairs which will be issued to Creditors informing them that the Company is to be placed into Liquidation and that a decision date has been set.

All future communication with Creditors will now be dealt with via Abbey Taylor Jones.


It is never pleasant when a company needs to ‘close its doors’. However, it can become apparent a company is no longer viable and cannot be rescued.

In this case, it is often better for directors and creditors if a CVL commences as soon as possible.

If you think a CVL may be right for your company, get in touch today for a confidential consultation with no obligation.



Contact Us



Submit an enquiry and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

Abbey Taylor Jones Limited.

Sheffield Office:

No.6 Twelve O’ Clock Court
21 Attercliffe Road
S4 7WW

Telephone: 0114 331 0000


Doncaster Office:

Office 9 Stone Cross House
Doncaster Road
Kirk Sandall

Telephone: 01302 572701



Abbey Taylor Jones Limited, Registered No. 15773279






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